
Musings of an Exhausted Mind

February 4, 2009

If exhaustion heightens emotions, and I’m always sad when I’m tired, does that mean that I’m always sad?

I miss a lot of people.

I need to decide which school I’m going to next year.


Poetry page

January 7, 2009

Check it out —–>


Suicide and Cyanide

January 7, 2009

I’m putting this on here because I do want it read, and my mysoaceblog never gets read.
I could never kill myself, partly because I would be too scared, and
partly because my ego would never allow it. But, I wish I could just
not wake up one morning; just go to sleep and not wake up. And good GOD
don’t go calling any hotlines on me. I could never ever
deliberately kill myself.
I just feel like my whole life is scrambling to stay one step ahead of everyone, have one more trick up my sleeve like I always have in the past. But now, my aces have all played out. I feel betrayed and alone.
Sure, I can make jokes, I can brush it off, but getting kicked out of IB crushed me. Then Good goes and tells me that he doesn’t expect me to graduate high school in any traditional manner (i.e. if i graduate it’ll be by GED or a year late or something). And that hurt. A lot. There are like five people in this world that I
know I can trust, and that group seems to be shrinking. And quite frankly, that’s just the surface, there’s other things that I just don’t share with people.

I really do feel betrayed more than anything. I’m finding out that
there were teacher conferences about me before I was axed, and after my
father died. Apparently I’m pretty well talked about among the staff,
because my English teacher(who I’ve had for like 5 weeks, and almost never talk to) just brought up my PSAT score in passing, telling me how good it was. What the hell?

After my dad died, like three teachers actually tried to reach out to
me. Pantera, Phan and Buck. For Johnston’s class I did a fucking paper on his
death. It was a pretty bitter paper, but she didn’t follow up with it
because “I seemed okay.”

I guess I’m just wondering that if there were conferences about me (and there were, the staff had multiple(not sure exactly how many)meetings about me), about keeping me in IB, then why the hell didn’t I see anything from
anyone? Sure, every teacher told me that I’m soooo bright. Yeah, so?
I’ve been hearing that since kindergarten.

The one teacher who gives a damn about me, and is willing to fight for
me is Phan. He’s always been there to go to bat for me. And I respect
him for it. I’m not Bunnie, and will never be that fanatical, but I’m crushed every time Phan disapproves, because he’s one of the few people who believes in me, when at this point I’m not sure I believe in myself. I guess I’m just rambling now. I just feel so frustrated and betrayed and alone.
Thanks for reading this whole thing.


PSATs (Again.)

January 4, 2009

It’s funny, here I am starting up this blog again, and I’m still obsessing on the same subject: the PSATs. I’m terrified about what my scores will be. I need money for college, and I’m kinda banking on some National Merit Scholarships. Quite frankly, I’ll be devastated if I don’t get National Merit, so if you see me extremely depressed over the next week (I’m gonna try to get my scores on Monday, but who knows), that’s why. I took them right after (3 days, I think) I got back from Michigan for my father’s funeral, so that wasn’t the best time to take them. (Aside from the obvious reasons, I was completely exhausted because we took my baby sister along , who does not like car rides or plane rides.) I really hope that they’re good scores.


Beginning Anew.

December 29, 2008

It’s been a while since I last posted, and much has happened since then.
I’ve been tossed out of IB, and have been taken in by AcDec. My classes are a joke, and I have no idea why there can’t be a happy medium between IB (whose homework load is major contributor to deforestation) and advanced classes, College Trig and AA English for example (which make you so bored that you actually have time to plot an incredibly effective escape plan before the bell rings.)

I have time for my friends now (Thank God, otherwise I’d go insane)
which is great.

You know, I don’t think that what makes a good friend is what you have in common, but rather, how you deal with what you don’t.

Just a little epiphany there, that happens occasionally.

I’ve been experimenting with photography lately, since I got a camera for Christmas. I’ll put a photo on here. I haven’t shopped this; this is pure camera work.

I guess that’s all for now. I have to get to cleaning my room.

OH!! And by the way, I haven’t posted on this thing in ages, but  view count has jumped from 403 to 1187, what’s up with that??



October 16, 2007

ACK! They are tomorrow, I need to go to sleep, wish me luck. Good Luck to every one else!!!!


Kid Nation.

October 5, 2007

I missed that it said that I needed a passport, and tomorrow is Columbus day, so there’s no way to get one.


SuCh Is LiFe

September 25, 2007

Well, it’s time for a regular post! I’ve been having fun recently! This Saturday I went with some friends to lunch at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant, then we went to the mall and stayed at Borders for a looong time. (Expect a rant about 8 year-old skater punks, there may even be a contributing author!). Then, we walked around and picked up some I am loved pins, cuz our egos needed some boosting, I guess. Next: Spencers and far too many phallic replicas for my taste, needles to say, we didn’t stay long! Then we sat in the court yard for, like, an hour talking. Subsequently, we went to see The Invasion at the $2 theatre. Seeing as how it’s supposed to be a scary movie, it’s probably not good that we laughed our butts off… The cinematography was soooooooooooooo bad. Anyway, that was an awesome evening, because I got to see some of the people whom I was missing the most! Oh, btw, 403 Visits!!! Woot!!! Though, judging by the lack of comments it’s probably either people I don’t know, or someone just hitting the refresh button alot. (Does that even work??) I wonder if my logging on is counted? I should check that, though I don’t go on here that often, so that wouldn’t raise the count too much. It’s probably a prank by the Marauders.



Check this out!

September 19, 2007




September 16, 2007

I really miss Mrs. Griffin, she was easily the best drama teacher ever. I feel like my teacher is so clueless about the best way to do things. I don’t mention it to her, because Mrs. Griffin wouldn’t want me to, but I mention certain things that we did, and she asks me to teach them to her. I need to go to Mrs. Griffin’s school! Well, I’m in IB, I guess the curriculum is the same…
